Yeah, it's been a hell of a month, so I apologize for the lack of updates. Just a recap as to what has been going on with me:
-My immune system, in its attempts to reconcile for last month, thought it would go ahead and try to cram as many sicknesses as it could into one day. I was neither pleased nor mobile during this time.
-I got a new room mate, who, while nice enough, wound up moving an overwhelming amount of STUFF into the basement, effectively disabling my ability to cook, locate anything, or move around easily for about a week.
-Still haven't found any work in the industry, but I did manage to get a job at the mall's Tim Hortons...only to be promptly fired after two shifts for not being 'perky' enough. Back to the resume runs.
-Went to donate blood, but wound up with a nurse who had no idea what she was doing. She somehow managed to completely miss my artery three times, forcing them to try again with the other arm. This left both of them sore for the rest of the day, complicating my ability to perform any simple tasks that required the use of my elbows.
-My finances are so dead that I've had no choice but to apply for welfare. I'm still waiting to hear back from them, and I can't help but feel like a miserable failure of a human being.
To keep from exploding, I'm trying to focus on the few good things that came out of this month:
-I got to go on a road trip with my best friend and her fiance to Langley, where they picked out a Neopolitan/Mastiff puppy from a breeder there. They're naming him Watson, and he'll be coming home with them in about two weeks.
-I've fallen in love with Earl Grey tea. Since becoming lactose intolerant, I've had a hard time finding anything that tasted good without milk, so this was a pleasant development.
-I recently got to hang out with two of my awesome old classmates from CATO.
Here's hoping December will bring a little more good fortune my way. I've also had a chance to practice working with color, so expect some brighter updates soon!
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