Daily Sketch: DnD Halloween

Happy Halloween, everyone! I decided to dress up my DnD characters as classes from Team Fortress 2, one of  my favorite games.

Slateface as the Soldier. He's a classic tank character: A chest-pounding, testosterone-filled fighter who charges blindly into battle. Soldier felt like a good match. Except instead of a war horse, I've given him a rocket launcher.... Oh dear, I'm just realizing how disastrous this might be  o___o;

Morbius as the Medic: This one was waaaaaaay too easy. Not just because he's a cleric, but because I based Morbius' gleefully psychotic personality on a mix between Henry from Fire Emblem Awakening and the Medic from TF2, so it was pretty easy to place him. 

Frostbite as the Sniper: I was actually pretty torn on this one. A part of me reeeeally wanted to make her a Spy, since her vain, snotty personality seemed to match him more. In the end, I went with the Sniper, partly for the obvious weapon match with the Huntsman bow, and partly for personal bias, since he's my favorite class to play as. That, and I personally just thought she looked better in his clothes.
